I recently came across the PERjobs blog that is a remarkably active listing of physics education jobs. In the first five months of 2011 there were almost 150 job postings.
Each position is assigned multiple labels, and one can get listings of all of the jobs in a particular category -e.g. all the physics jobs, or all tenure track or visiting professor. The site includes both education and science department jobs, and occasionally lists intern or summer positions for students.
One of the keywords used is Canada, so you can readily isolate Canadian jobs. At the time of this post there were 7 Canadian jobs listed, three in education departments and the rest in physics.
Whether you are interested in administrative, contract, policy, service or interdisciplinary jobs, you will find an associated category. For example one of the interdisciplinary jobs listed is Google Fellow, a program where K-12 math or science teachers can apply to work at Google for a year developing curriculum materials.
As far as I can see there is not a charge for employers listing on the service. Information can be sent to PERJobs@gmail.com. I don't know who is behind this, but it is a great resource for anyone looking for a position.
ps As I was preparing this I came across a site with Canadian physics jobs Wow Jobs. It seems to have a fairly comprehensive listing of current academic physics jobs open in Canada.
While most are probably already aware of the following well known job listings, I would also point out the Physics Today job listing service, the Bright Recruits service from Institute of Physics, the American Physical Society career list, and the Canadian Association of Physicists job service.
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